Who I am and what I do in India

My name is Elena Tommaseo, I was born and brought up in Venice, Italy.
I studied Graphic Design in Milan where I lived and worked for over 20 years.

Since 2010 I live permanently in India, in New Delhi, but I have been linked to India since 1997.
My connection to this Country, for personal reasons, allowed me to live it from "behind the surface" almost since the beginning, and also for this reason I feel it as home.

The second half of my life, as I call it, started with a radical change, not a drastic break, but a fluid continuation of my journey towards new calls of life which, in a way, merged with my past and my experiences. I started accompanying group tours around India and conducting customized and private guided tours in Delhi.

Slowly this city got me to the point that now I feel pure love for it, because once you start digging and discovering its past and its treasures, you can't stop looking for more and literally every day you can discover new things to surprise you.
It's like being a kid exploring the world!

Today, through my tours, I try to raise awareness of the many faces of Delhi, or it would be better to say of the many cities that make it up, through a turbulent, glorious, lively past, up to the present city we live in today.

My greatest wish is to be able to make this spark of love strike in all those who live in Delhi, even for short periods, and in tourists who often see it only as a metro city were their plane has to land and from which to leave as soon, unaware of the treasure in store for them.


Elena Tommaseo, Elena&Delhi,


About Elena&Delhi

This website was created to advertise my activity of guide in English and Italian in Delhi. I hope it will also be of some help to those who want to plan their trip on their own, with the suggestions that can be found in the menu DISCOVER DELHI, the BLOG and in the LINKS provided in this same section.

To repeat the words of many of the people I have had the pleasure of accompanying over the years: “Being able to explore Delhi with the help of someone who has our cultural background, but is also immersed in Indian culture, is of great value to better understand what we experience”.

If you are planning to come you can contact me for a private and customized of Delhi, some options can be found under E&D TOURS ON THE SPOT, but the best is to plan your customized tour of Delhi via a WhatsApp call.
Contact me directly

Elena&Delhi also offers the possibility of DELHI VIRTUAL TOURS that you might be interested in to satisfy your curiosity or in preparation for a trip.

They take place on Zoom with me and are interactive. At the moment some of the historical places in Delhi are available.
Super interesting is the Introduction to Delhi's History!

Furthermore, if you are planning a trip to India, Elena&Delhi offers you a CONSULTANCY SERVICE through which you can get general information about India or Delhi through a video conference.
Starting from advices on what you should bring to India, to culture and food, transport, shopping, Festivals etc. Whatever you are curious to know.